
If you'd like to use RDT for synthetic data, we recommend installing the SDV library. It will automatically download RDT, along with other libraries to support synthetic data generation and evaluation.


  • The RDT has been developed and tested on Python 3.8-3.12

  • We recommend using a virtual environment (such as virtualenv) to avoid conflicts with other software on your device

Download Instructions

We recommend downloading rdt using pip.

pip install rdt

This automatically downloads the most recent version from PyPi.


To verify that you have installed the RDT correctly, check your version using the following code:

import rdt

The printed version number should be the latest one found in our Release Notes.


If you are having issues installing RDT, please visit our GitHub. You can browse existing issues and raise a new one if you cannot find a solution.

You can also ask questions by joining the SDV Slack.

Last updated